December 29, 2009


Life has been a little hectic lately, but mostly in a good way. While there have been a couple of not-so-fun things consuming my time (work and a stupid online class to renew my teaching license), most of it has been fun. Here is my "Top 5" list of good things that have been keeping me busy lately:

5. Lil' Miss Housewife- now I know this doesn't sound fun, but after living without a washer and dryer for 3+ weeks (keep in mind Joe works in the woods and gets filthy every day) I was SO relieved to get these. You know you are officially an "adult" when you are excited by such purchases.

4.  The Most Wonderful Time of the Year- Just in case you are unaware, let me clarify one thing- I HEART Christmas-time. It makes me so happy- all of it. Decorating, shopping for/making/wrapping presents, the music, the food, spending time with family and friends, etc. It really is one of the best times of the year, and a bright spot in an otherwise dreary season.

(Aside from Christmas decor, our house is still pretty bare. Hopefully that will change when we officially close in January!)

3. Friendly Visits- A couple of weeks ago, some of our bestests came to visit and check out our new place: Mo, Blair, and Caleb. They brought beer, house-warming gifts, and best of all- good company. From Caleb: 2 over-sized wooden swords for dueling (I kid you not), and from Mo and Blair: champagne, party poppers, and this hilarious card (enlarge the photos below to read, it's pretty darn funny and if you know Mo at all this will not surprise you)

2. Family Time- We might not have a lot of friends down here, but we certainly have a lot of family around. The last few weeks has been a lot of time with Joe's parents, his sisters and their hubbies, and our little nephews and niece. Uncle Joe and Aunt Janelle have been earning their titles!

We hosted a birthday party for our niece Sinah's 2nd bday

Sinah loving the "baby" we gave her (I swear, her motherly instincts at the age of 2 are better than mine at the age of 26. She started feeding the baby like this all on her own as soon as she got it out of the box, crazy).

Watching our niece and nephews is not all fun and games... here Sinah and Tre are fighting over a box to play in. Ah, brother and sister love.

Just hanging out with Wyatt, pretty much one of the cutest babies ever. 

1. My two boys- The two great loves of my life: Jonas and Jack. I spend my days walking/playing with Jack, and at night I get to snuggle up with Jonas on the couch. Joe is so tired every day when he gets home from work he often falls asleep for a nap on the couch. Jack, being the super-sweet dog he is, cuddles up next to Jonas on the floor and naps with him. Makes my heart melt everytime.

A pretty good list, huh? I think so :) Can't wait to see what keeps me busy once 2010 rolls around...


nicole said...

i love that you have your newton sign up! i have the hooks you make us all ready to hang... its been almost 8 months and we still haven't hung ONE THING!

Radiant Rachael's Magical Musings said...

what a great post Janelle:)