June 3, 2009

Just because they're pretty...

Our trip to Kauai seems like forever ago, and I never got to blog much about it since we were without the internet for so long. I don't really feel like writing right now, but I DO feel like posting some pics (weird, I know). So here ya go...

Our first sunset in Kauai

Sooo pretty!

Now THIS is a great way to watch a sunset :)

I love the shadows here

On to sunset #2 (my favorite of the trip)

I love the way the sun illuminates the edges of the clouds

And the ship sails into the horizon...

Our last sunset of the trip

The weather was boo boo this day, but I thought the clouds made for a dramatic effect

1 comment:

dabs&william said...


Miss you guys...I added you to my blogroll. I finally got back on here and am going to try and post things as often as I can. Check us out...dabsandwilliam@blogspot.com

Lets get together when you get back to Oregon!

Love ya!