December 14, 2008

Lots to be THANKFUL for...

Thanksgiving Weekend is awesome. Family. Food. Friends. Football. Sleeping in. Days off. And most of all, perspective. It is easy to get caught up in day-to-day life and feel overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, etc. I generally feel this way most days lately. However, I really have SO much to be thankful for (you do too!) and this day always helps me remind me of that.

Our Thanksgiving weekend started out awesome and ended ok... Aside from the horrendous traffic (2.5 hours just to get through Tacoma!), it was great. We stopped in Portland to eat dinner with the Joy family, before heading down to the dirty South (AKA Roseburg) to eat dinner with the Newton family. It was so wonderful to spend time with all of our family, both the oldest and newest members (Sinah, Jeb). We really are lucky to have such amazing people around us.

Aside from the typical family events, like food and Catch Phrase, we also got in a good game of basketball and played with LOTS of dogs. On Saturday, we caught the Civil War game on the way back up to Seattle. The game pretty much sucked, but hey, worse things in life can happen. I also ended up getting sick this weekend, which got worse as the next week went on, but all in all, it was a pretty good time.

So sweet :)

The newest member, lil' Jeb, is extremely fiesty and holds his own with the big boys.

She really likes Jack, including biting his fur.

It looks like our niece Sinah is checking out her lil' booty!

I heart this picture.

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