December 18, 2008

Don't eat the yellow snow...

I love the snow. People always complain about weather in the NW, but I think a sunny, warm Christmas would just feel weird. I think cold, wet winters make me appreciate the sunny summers even more. The recent snow storm that has taken over the NW may be dangerous and annoying to some people, but for me it just puts me in the Christmas mood. To celebrate a day off from school, I spent it with (who else?) Jack, my BFF. We went on a 1.5 hour walk around town, and had a blast. Can't wait for his Daddy to get home so he can join in on the fun.

The blur in this photo is not due to poor photography skills or a bad camera... it is due to our psychotic dog that we adore, and he is demonstrating his typical "hot laps" for all to see (this is a daily ordeal for him)

I like to call these "Jack" angels...

Could a dog look ANY happier? Seriously, I don't know if it's possible...

Jack was VERY unhappy about this sign... he kept barking at it... loudly.

Me and my lil' buddy :)

1 comment:

JNew said...

I love these pictures of Jack. Particularly the one of him making a "jack angel," or was it "dog angel?"