August 10, 2012

Maddie's 1st Birthday Party

Maddie's first birthday party came 1.5 weeks after her surgery. Luckily, the infection went away and she healed quickly. Just in time to celebrate her first year of life with some of our closest friends and family. Love you baby girl, and thank you for the best year of our lives. You bring us more joy than you will ever know.

 Grandma loved your headband, but you not so much... (It lasted approximately 3 minutes.)

 Your "1" shirt that mama made for the occassion :)

 Surprisingly skeptical of your birthday cake. 

 Warming up to it

 Mama loves you SO much baby girl! 

 So does Daddy :)

 Family pic

 Typical Joy family photo, haha

 Your aunties and future BFFs came down to celebrate with you! 

 Uncle Brian loves his little niece 

 People spoiled you with so many nice gifts!

 Your cousins helped you open them.
 All of the kiddos!
 Mama and Maddie's friends, Brynn and Merissa

More of Mama and Maddie's friends, Edrie and Nicole

You had a BLAST but we pooped by the end. It took you about 20 seconds to fall asleep once in the stroller for a post-party nap. You are so precious Maddie, love you to the moon and back.

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