November 4, 2009

The Highlight...

of my week so far.

Starring: Sinah (my almost 2-year old niece)
Supporting Cast: Grandpy Dan and Grammy Kathy, Uncle Joe and Aunt Janelle, Mommy Trisha and Big Brother Tre, BFF Jack

The Setting: Kathy & Trisha sitting on a couch, sitting and talking (about motherly issues I am sure). Jonas and Janelle playing with Tre and Jack on the floor.

Act 1, Scene 1- La Casa de Newton

Enters Sinah (running/flailing wildly into the center of the living room and doing laps around the living room/kitchen): "Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!"

Everyone turns to look at Sinah. Noticing she has boxer shorts draped around her head like an over-size necklace, they begin to laugh hysterically.

Kathy: "Dan come out here, your granddaughter has something for you!"

Enters Dan (a horrified look of expression crosses his face at the realization that the boxer shorts draped around the lovely little Sinah's neck are his): "Come here, give me those!"

Dan begins to chase Sinah. Sinah loving this, squeals with delight and begins to run from Dan. Everyone else in the rooms laughs so hard their stomachs hurt.

End Scene.

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