November 20, 2011


a chance to breathe. After a few challenging, rewarding, and exhausting months, we finally get a chance to recover a little bit. Joe continued to work long days/weeks, in addition to picking up more "daddy duties" as I returned to work teaching full-time and coaching soccer. In the meantime, my days start at 5am and usually end around midnight. (I quickly learned that 5 hours of sleep or less is possible to function on when combined with large amounts of caffeine consumption.) With two parents working 60+ hour weeks and an infant/dog/household to take care of, we haven't had a whole lot of extra time for "fun" stuff.

However, we realize we have MUCH to grateful- good jobs, our home, great family/friends, each other, and of course- Miss Madeline. Who is changing by the day, developing a personality we absolutely adore, and getting so. flipping. BIG. So, instead of sitting here and telling you how busy/hard the last few months have been, (let's be honest, isn't it that way for all of us "adults" now?), I will highlight some of the "fun stuff" that we did get to enjoy, despite our hectic schedule...
  • Maddie's development: she now has TWO teeth, is eating solids, crawls, and laughs/"talks" to us all of the time. She is still super long (100+ percentile in length), 65% in weight, and bald as a 90-year old man. That's ok, she's still adorable :)
  • Meeting Edrie Simmons. This adorable little lady joined the Simmons family in September and she is such a blessing! Can't wait to watch her and Maddie grow and become friends.
  • Going to OSU football games. Despite the losses, we always enjoy our time in Corvallis, watching some football, and seeing friends. Oh, and brainwashing Maddie to be a Beaver Believer.
  • My soccer team going 12-2-1 and winning our first league championship in school history. Although it made me sad to miss a lot of "Maddie and Daddy" time, which is my favorite time ever, at least my soccer team did well. I loved the girls I coached and had a lot of fun this season, but I am also looking forward to the break and spending more time with my two favorite humans (and favorite dog) now that it is over.
  • Spending time with family. Although we don't have many friends in the area, it is nice to be close to family. We have spent a lot of time with Joe's parents, sisters, and their families, visited his grandparents in Philomath, and had my parents down to visit a couple of times. It is funny how as you get older you appreciate and cherish family more and more. It makes me wonder why it takes getting old to realize such a simple but important concept.
  • Halloween and Joe's birthday. Made for a few fun and eventful nights in October!
Ok, that's enough for now. We all know the pictures are the best part, so I will leave you with probably too many. It's hard to condense 3 months worth of photos into just one post, especially for this photo-happy lady! Hope you enjoy :)

This little girl loves her bath time!

Maddie has become very interested in Jack. It's just too bad the feeling is not yet mutual (you could say he's a little jealous of the attention she gets.)

I love my little beaver baby!

Tuckered out.
My favorite Beaver Believers :)
Such a big girl now... doesn't need her carseat in her stroller anymore.

I try to force Jack to hang out with Maddie and like it. So far, it hasn't worked. Am I crazy for being sad my dog and my baby aren't best buddies???

Taking Jack for a walk, rain or shine. 

Getting ready for her first attempt at eating solids. 

She used the spoon as a teething tool, not an eating utensil. 

First attempt- not very successful. 

The second time around I did some research. I nursed her for a bit before attempting solids, so she wasn't so hungry and short-tempered. It went much better. 

Mmmm... apparently the high chair tastes good. 

MUCH happier this time around. 

Eating with grandma, and actually getting better!

Getting good enough that now she looks forward to getting in the high chair.
Feed me mama!

She almost always falls asleep on walks in the ergo, and then stays asleep when I take it off. So cute and funny :)

Enjoying our visit with Edrie and her mama. 

This is what most of our Saturday nights look like: hanging out with Maddie on the floor. And I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world :)

She loves to "swim" on the floor. 

LOVE that grin so much. 
Pumpkin patch!

Haha, love Maddie's expression here. 


My sweet baby girl!
My little kitty kat on Halloween!

Haha, love this kid's many expressions. 


Cutest little butt. 

Having fun and being crazy, as usual. 

Love. Her. SO. Much.


Rose said...

Oh my goodness she is so cute. Don't you just love all the little things that they are discovering and the reaction you see in their face. Congrats on your soccer team and enjoy your time during the off season with your beautiful family:)


nicole said...

Looooove all those pictures! Excited to see you guys soon!