August 19, 2011

Like a weed.

Just as everyone has promised us, our little girl is growing up so fast. She is 4.5 months already and becoming more like a "real person" every day. She can roll over, sit up in her Bumbo, play with toys, and even hold her bottle when being fed. She still has very strong legs and loves to stand, walk, jump, etc. (while being supported of course). Her favorite thing in the world is to talk and smile at you while looking you square in the eye. It is one of the highlights of my day, every day, to make this girl smile. When she flashes me that gummy grin, my heart feels like it is going to burst with happiness :)

On the physical side, yes- she is still huge. At her 4 month check-up she was in the 75th% in weight (14 lbs. 9 oz.) and the 100% in length (26.75 inches). She is her daddy's girl for sure! While I could go on and on about this little one, I'll spare us both the time and simply end with some pics of the last month or so.

Daddy using an apple slice as a teether

Sometimes she gets so excited she quivers with joy :)

She likes to stand up in her bouncy chair. Needless to say, this toy has been retired.

Teaching her to chip in around the house.... "This ain't no free ride Maddie!" ;)

Grammy Bev loves to come visit and nap with her favorite little girl. 

Maddie hanging with cousin Rowan 

Aw... Daddy with his Maddie girl, love this 

Trisha and I with our babies

First bonfire on the beach

Sleeping peacefully on her first camping trip. It rained most of the weekend but she still did great!

Daddy sharing some of his blizzard with Maddie

Cousin love!

Kisses from Grammy Kathy

Just reading the Sunday paper :)

My new toy: the jumperoo!

I love to spin all of the different toys

Camping under the stars in eastern Oregon... she loves the outdoors, thank goodness!

Hanging out at Lake Billy Chinook

One of our last summer mornings together... I am REALLY going to miss hanging out with this happy girl all day.