October 30, 2010

Just in case...

you were starting to worry, yes, we are still alive. Just busy. Very, very busy. Here is what's been going on in our lives in the past two months.

Joe: working crazy hours, including most weekends in September. (I'm talking 60-70 hrs. per week here.) When he hasn't been working, he has been helping coach a 5th grade football team, taking a woodworking class, supporting my team at our soccer games, cooking me dinner, and traveling to Beaver football games, both near and far.

Me: Also working crazy hours- just as much (if not more) than Joe. Apparently being a 1st year full-time teacher and 1st year head soccer coach doesn't leave a lot of free time. With the exception of a weekend filled with food-poisoning and all of the fun that brings, I literally haven't taken 1 full day off since Labor Day weekend. Mon-Fri is teaching/coaching, Saturday is grading day, and Sunday is lesson planning for the upcoming week. However, the end (of soccer season at least) is almost in sight. We finished our last league game on Thursday (we are 7-5-2) and ended up 3rd place in our league. We have a play-in game next Thursday, and if we win we are in the state tournament. It has been a blast coaching and I love my girls, but I'd be lying if I said I am not going to enjoy having more free time whenever soccer season ends. Then I can go back to working just 50 hours a week, instead of 60-70 :)

Other news:
  • Joe turned 27 a couple of weeks ago. I wish I had fun pics to post or a fun night to blog about, but in all honesty this was the evening I got food poisoning and it was miserable. We had a reservation for the one good restaurant in Roseburg, and then had to cancel when I starting puking 15 minutes before we should've left the house. I continued vomitting all through the night, and had to go to the hospital the next day to receive IV fluids because I was so weak and dehydrated. At least I got to make him a nice breakfast before the sickness set in (see pics below).
  • Apparently October is a busy month for preggos! One of my bestest friends in the whole world welcomed her first baby into the world on Oct. 7th. Brynn Lorene Richards is doing great and I can't WAIT to get up to Portland and meet her soon. Aside from Merissa, some of our friends from the Seahawks also welcomed a son recently. Congrats to both the Richards and the Carlsons :)
  • While I'm on the subject of babies, I should probably include that Joe and I are expecting our first baby as well :) As some of you already know, we are 16 weeks along and our little baby is due on April 14th. While it has thrown a lot of challenges our way in this already chaotic time for us, we are VERY excited. I can't say it's made teaching/coaching any easier, as I have been very tired and experienced a consistent dose of nausea so far, but it is worth it to know I have our little baby growing inside of me. Can I just be honest for a minute though? Those women who claim they just "loved" being pregnant and would do it their whole lives... what are they smoking? I am exhausted, nauseous, can't eat half of my favorite foods/beverages, and feel the most unathletic I have EVER felt in my life. (I am serious- I am pretty sure my 7 year old self would kick my ass in a race right now.) Don't get me wrong, I am more than willing to make sacrifices to know I have a happy and healthy baby. But let me just say I am glad this state of being is temporary, and I can't wait to eat sushi, drink coffee, run at a pace that isn't pathetic, and not feel sick on a daily basis come next spring/summer.
Ok. That's all I have for now. It is time to get started on my grading, so I should go. I will leave you with the few pictures I have taken this fall...

Preggo wife, making pancakes at 5am for her man on his birthday... I must really love this guy!
Finished product... so delicious!

First pic of our baby, 8 weeks old

It has little nubs for legs :)

Seeing its heartbeat for the first time was the most amazing feeling ever

There he or she is... all 15mm :)
11 weeks

Starting to look like an actual human :)

Looks like it's sucking on its thumb here
View from the top
43 mm long. The doctor said it was a little long for this stage, which made Joe really happy and me a little nervous :)


nicole said...

thank you for posting those pics of my niece or nephew!!! i neeeeeeeded to see them! your little one is so cute already and i love that they already think he or she is gonna be tall!! have a good day - I will call tomorrow

Michele said...

This is GREAT!! I am very excited for you!!! I just saw this post:) You should of said it when you commented on my post!!! We will both have April BABIES!!!! So fun!!!

Radiant Rachael's Magical Musings said...

I am so so SO very happy for you and Joe:) Can't wait to see more pics of baby Newton!

dabs&william said...

SO EXCITED!!!! You two will be amazing parents and Jack will be a great big brother! Let's have a phone date soon!



The Richards said...

Yay Babies! It is exciting to see your little one's ultrasounds :). I like the one where you can see him/her sucking her thumb.

I couldnt agree more with your blog. These women who say they could live their life pregnant are insane. Hang in there mama, life is only going to get easier (no soccer and feeling better).

I miss you! I cant wait for you to meet Brynn :).

Good Luck in your soccer game on Thursday. I will text you on Friday to see how you guys did.

Lots of love to the Newtons from the Richards.

The Wilsons said...

WOOHOO! So happy for you guys! You are going to be AMAZING parents. Glad to hear that things are going well down in Roseburg. We're going to try to make it down there around Thanksgiving or Christmas so we can say hi. Great blog post! (P.S. Zeke says hi to Jack)