May 18, 2010

Nutritious AND Delicious :)

Our first garden has officially been planted. A few trips to the woods to dig up some soil, Joe making his debut performance as a carpenter (a skill I am hoping he will master one day), some digging by yours truly (with some help from Jack), and of course- buying our beloved plants- SHOULD equal some delicious meals for us this summer. What's on the menu? Tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, strawberries, asparagus, corn, and cucumbers. After a slight mishap (Jack thought it looked like a glorious place to dig one day when we were at work), our garden is slowly but surely growing big and strong. Now if we could just get some consistent sunny weather, we might actually be able to harvest something soon! And the pics...

The spot.
The saw.
Jonas making the raised bed box.
Finished product! (And Jack helping us dig)
Truck load #1of dirt
Getting closer...
Our babies.
All ready to grow!
I also decided to plant an herb garden...
Here's to delicious, yummy meals this summer!

1 comment:

The Richards said...

Yum, Yum. Nothing like garden veggies! I am sure you guys will have some tasty food to make up for B and I when we visit :)