April 4, 2009

Kauai in Review: A sunrise in Kapa'a

Palm tree and pink- so pretty :)

View walking out from our hotel to the beach.

I thought the clouds on the horizon were pretty cool looking.

Peeking out from under a tree.

The clouds to the north were HUGE

My favorite :)

The sun peeking through the clouds

I am not a morning person. Growing up I never had a bedtime- literally never, not even when I was like, 5- and no one in my nuclear family ever goes to bed before midnight. Sometimes I am forced to wake up in the wee hours of the morning (stupid teaching...), but it is not natural for me to wake up when it is still dark outside. All of this being said, I would willing get up before dawn EVERY DAY if all sunrises were as beautiful as our 3rd morning in Kauai was. Since my words cannot do it justice, here are some pics of a most beautiful sunrise in paradise :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You are a great photographer :)