February 2, 2010

Good times in the Burg

I've come to the conclusion that as long as the weather is nice, I have no qualms with spending our weekends in the Burg. Despite the fact that it is (or more accurately, was) January, we've spent our last 2 weekends exploring nearby forests, hiking on the North Umqua Trail, playing tennis, playing board/card games, and feasting. In fact, the weather was so nice on Sunday we even ate lunch outside. It definitely helped that some family and friends were in town (my parents, Jessie/Luke/Wyatt, and Caleb), but the last 2 weeks have been fun and affordable by staying in the Burg. Apparently, all I need to be happy down here is sunshine, hiking or other exercise, good food, family/friends who visit us, and of course, QT with Jonas/Jack. That's not asking too much, is it? I don't think so either :) So the only question now is, when are you coming to visit us?

***Warning: Picture overload... sorry, sometimes I just can't help myself! 

Walking with the parents and Jack on a nature trail by our house 

I don't know why, but I love this little bridge near our house

Jack + my Dad = Buddies

Joe showing my parents and I his "office"...sure beats a cubical 
(FYI, Roseburg is under the clouds in the background)

The circle of life: clear cut, replant, grow big trees, harvest :)

Jack will love going to work with Jonas soon

FYI- when timber companies clearcut, they not only replant, but they replant more trees than they harvest. Here is the evidence: some of Joe's babies :) 

Some of Joe's favorite things: trees, Jack, and mountains 

Hike to Susan Creek Falls

Jack, Me, Mom, Jonas :)

My favorite shot of the falls

So Oregon

Love them

(Anyone know what kind of tree this is?)

Go ahead and judge us: the other night we ate KFC and let our dog lick the bucket... he was sooo grateful. (Hey, at least we got the grilled chicken. Seriously, so good you don't even know)

  Jonas sharing the goodies with Jack... awww, love :)

The view while walking at Dan and Kathy's ranch

So peaceful and pretty

My two favorites :)

BDE: Best Dog Ever :)


nicole said...


Radiant Rachael's Magical Musings said...

I'm glad your pictures are back!

JNew said...

I love how quickly you were indoctrinated into supporting even aged management.

Ben said...

By the texture of the peeling bark, I would say it's a Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)tree.

dabs&william said...

I always love reading your posts...you guys make me so jealous...always out hiking in the most beautiful and serene places. We need to plan a weekend and drive down to hang out with you guys! Miss ya!!!